Total Audit Protection


Freedom From the Fear of Audits

The Ultimate Defense Against IRS Audits

TAP® provides free professional audit assistance to all members.

TAP is a subscription membership program that provides professional audit assistance FREE OF COST to each enrolled member. 

For a small annual enrollment fee, our members enjoy full protection for their tax return.   
Our service agents are licensed CPAs and Enrolled Agent with years of experience that specialize in professional tax audit resolution.  They provide direct consultation with each TAP member and utilize ever legal option available to eliminate or minimize any tax liability that may otherwise result from their audit.

Professional Audit Resolution

The IRS revenue agents are trained tax collection professional with the full authority and power of the federal government.  No Taxpayer should even think to face the IRS without a qualified and knowledgeable professional to defend their rights and advocate for their interest.

Proactive Protection

The Power of Community

TAP® offers the best value in professional audit support to the Taxpayer who cannot afford the typical CPA hourly rates.  With our membership subscription model, the taxpayer takes advantage of the collective buying power of our massive nationwide subscription base to drive down the cost of their individual plans to just pennies on the dollar.